Monday, March 28, 2011

Social Networking

Why use a social networking site??? 
~    It’s FREE advertising. Where else can you get this much exposure by spending 30 minutes a day posting photos and comments about your latest wedding.
~    The more a bride sees your name, the more familiar she will become with you, and the more likely she will contact you.
~    Nearly half of all Americans have joined at least one social media network. If you can connect to a fraction of these potential customers, you boost your sales.

Popular sites

Facebook is a good way of keeping up with your friends and family but also very effective for promoting your company. You can post photos and videos. Make a “page” for your business and keep it separate from your personal “friends“. Facebook states it has over 500 million users worldwide!!! The average user has 130 friends and connects to 80 community pages - you could be one of them.

Linked In is more of a business community, you make “connections” instead of “friends“. Good if you are looking for business connections and referrals.They declare 90 million+ members worldwide

Twitter is a site for brief news, trends, updates in 140 characters or less. Twitter reaches 13 million people in the US. The average user sends 15 messages a day. You can quickly tweet deals of the day, contests or events you are participating in. 

Marketing with your Bridal Show Lead List

After a bridal show, brides take home bags packed with literature. Your job is to make sure she remembers you. How do you do that??

~    Use more than one avenue to really reach out to the bride. The more she sees your name, the more credibility you have as an established vendor in your field.

~    Send snail mail literature - either a postcard or brochure. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it can be the same thing you handed out at the bridal show. Repetition is good, you are constantly reminding her you’re ready to make her day special.

~    Send out an email ad. You can make and send the ad using Constant Contact or iContact. Keep it simple but graphic. You can include a coupon or deal of the week - give the bride something special for contacting you. 
When making an email ad, place your unsubscribe info at the top of the email and tell her how you acquired her email address - “you signed up for this email at the Premier Bridal Show”. This cuts down on someone reporting you as spam. Some brides don’t understand that all their contact info goes out to all the vendors and so are overwhelmed when they get a deluge of emails.

~    Post on Facebook about the show and include a photo of  you in your booth. This builds a connection with the bride and reminds her about the conversation you had about her wedding.

~Make sure all your literature and ads look the same or have the same theme so brides will connect all the advertising back to you. Use the same background color, the same fonts or use one photo that is repeated in all your ads. (this is branding - more info to come in a later newsletter). If you don’t feel confident enough to make your ads - it is worth the money to hire someone to make one for you. If your literature isn’t professional your clients won’t book you!!!