Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pink Pro University: Submitting to Wedding Blogs

By Krista Chapman

For many mom and pop wedding professionals, committing the time needed to manage and maintain a blog is simply not realistic.  Instead, consider submitting the gorgeous pictures of all your hard work to wedding bloggers.  But how do you best go about offering your work up to the blogging gods and goddesses?  Read on for my best tips to get featured!

Why submit your work?  Rather obvious (increased exposure equals a new pool of potential clients) it surprises me how many wedding vendors hesitate when submitting to bloggers.  Self-doubt convinces you that your work is not good enough and busy schedules allow this task to slip off the to-do list.  Bloggers need content and you need exposure... can you think of a better match?  The worst-case scenario and your content is politely declined or you never receive a response.  Best case scenario?  You're featured, shot out into the social media vortex and expose your company to thousands of new prospects.  Do you really need any more convincing?    

What to submit?  All bloggers are looking for original, creative and unique content.  New trends, popular color palettes and lots of details are always in demand.  Do you offer a new product or service in your market that no one else does?  Do you have original and timely advice for couples in the midst of wedding planning?  Are you noticing a common trend or complaint with your brides that needs to be shared?  Most blogs will have a submission guidelines with exact photo (professional pics, please) and content needs but be mindful to point out the specific details that made this content unique or different.  The key is to make it as easy as possible for the bloggers with suggestions for content, feedback from the couple, and links to involved vendors.  When I have to hunt down all the details to finish a wedding feature, it often sits on the back burner and can be delays... for weeks.

Start local.  We all agree that Style me Pretty is the Holy Grail of wedding blogs but if you have not had your work featured it is probably best to think smaller.  After all, your best prospects are likely reading local blogs for wedding planning information specific to their location.  The Pink Bride has a great blog that reaches all markets across the state of Tennessee but don't overlook area vendors.  If a vendor partner has a blog, consider offering content or even acting as a guest writer.  I'll bet they will appreciate the additional content and cross exposure (by way of each other's social media). 

Advertising helps.  Not always a requirement but generally speaking most bloggers will give preferential treatment to their site sponsors and advertisers (after all they keep the lights on).  However, particularly creative or remarkable content will get featured, regardless of advertiser status.  I might also suggest asking for an initial feature at no cost to test the response you get from the blog's audience (and determine if the investment is worth it).  Including a wedding giveaway for the readers will also sweeten the pot but keep in mind that blog content is quickly updated so a banner or ad will always give vendors more permanent exposure.

Need a safe place to get started?  The Pink Bride blog is always happy to feature vendors in our program... see our submission guidelines here.

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